June Callan Hypnotherapist Logo


Hypnotherapy is an evidence based treatment for addressing changes that you wish to make in your life. I can help you with chronic pain, stopping smoking, weight loss, phobias and much more…


Instilling these states into the mind of my clients with the help of hypnosis is central to my practice.

Peace icon


Lack of conflict and freedom.  An inner tranquillity that does not depend upon the uncertainties of daily life for its existence.

Acorn Icon

RESILIENCE (the acorn):

The beginning of the mighty oak tree that can stand strong and rise tall against the tough storms and hurricanes that come its way.

June Icon

STRENGTH (Triquetra):

The triangle is one of the strongest shapes in construction.  A Celtic symbol that favours everything comes in threes.  Representing in this case past, present and future.


Come and have a complimentary half hour appointment to discuss how hypnotherapy can help you.



    Hypnosis Mainstream not Alternative

    Hypnosis: Mainstream not Alternative

    Article y June Callan, The Dissector Vol. 48, No. 2, September 2020.

    The history and use of hypnosis in the management of acute and chronic pain are explored, along with a review of current research. My experience of using hypnosis in the acute and chronic pain service at Counties Manukau DHB is briefly outlined.

    Top reviews nz logo

    Top 10 Clinics for the Best Hypnotherapy in Auckland

    Article by Isla Thompson for Top Reviews website.

    June Callan Clinical Hypnotherapy has been listed as one of the the top clinics for the best hypnotherapy in Auckland.

    How hypnotherapy helped Brenda with complex regional pain syndrome

    How hypnotherapy helped Brenda with complex regional pain syndrome

    June Callan interviews client Brenda about how hypnotherapy helped her with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and what the experience was like.

    RNZ Expert Feature: Hypnotherapy

    June joined Jesse Mulligan to answer questions about hypnotherapy and explain how it works.

    How Hypnotherapy can help Chronic Pain Youtube video

    How Hypnotherapy can help Chronic Pain

    Interview of HypnoFit® Certified Therapist, June Callan about how Hypnotherapy can help Chronic Pain.


    June was such a lovely and welcoming person when I first met her. She was very patient and took the time to acknowledge how I felt.  I came to her with a serious phobia of needles/injections and the tools June gave me made a huge difference in my journey to getting my first jab. The environment she works in is very pleasant and safe as well. In the end, I managed to get both of my vaccines with ease.  I would highly recommend seeing June, I couldn't have done it without her.  

    Poppy (13)

    Phobia of needles/injections

    I was first told about clinical hypnosis through a specialist I am seeing for CRPS in my leg and foot. I had tried almost everything else and had limited success with easing the intense and crippling pain. I had never tried hypnosis before and felt I had nothing to lose. Going in with an open mind was the best thing I did. June was so informative, professional, and understanding. Her previous experience in helping people in pain came through and she explained what I could potentially expect. She listens and responds to your situation and her approach is very calm, friendly, and supportive. June has helped me to have times of reduced pain and improved sleep which has been fantastic. She has taught me how to do self-hypnosis so I can use the techniques wherever and whenever I need to. I would recommend clinical hypnosis with June to anyone who suffers from chronic pain. Be open, be willing, be prepared to put in the work, and keep a positive mindset.

    Brenda Lewis

    Chronic pain

    I will be forever grateful to June for guiding me through a journey of self-enlightenment and teaching me self-help skills to cope with chronic nerve pain I have suffered from for years following operations on my shoulder and neck areas.

    June is a professional and very gifted authentic clinical hypnotherapist, and her calm, friendly, open manner, enabled me to fully trust and relax with her to get maximum benefit from every session. 'You get back what you put in'... it was challenging at times, but well worth the effort.

    I would not hesitate to recommend June if you are suffering from chronic pain,  but you must be 100% open, accepting, and committed for this journey to work for you.


    Chronic pain

    "Hypnotherapy with June has brought so much positive change into my life. After only the first couple of sessions, I was already starting to see significant improvements in my mental well-being. June has a way of making you feel so comfortable and safe. She has a strong commitment to helping you achieve your goal and has helped me understand my own situation at its roots. I would recommend June to anyone who is in need of positive change. Thankyou June.”


    Positive change

    "Oh my goodness, June is so lovely. I made an appointment with June because I was having insomnia for weeks on end and I couldn’t pin point what was causing it. Prior to visiting June, I had never had hypnosis. I was a bit apprehensive but June made me feel very safe during the session. After the session, I was amazed at how much my subconscious mind can have an impact on my everyday life. During the hypnosis, I uncovered what was causing my insomnia. Once I was able to identify that, the insomnia immediately improved and then disappeared over a matter of a week. I feel that this hypnosis was very valuable and I would recommend June to anyone. Thank you June".

    Liz Walker

    Insomnia sufferer

    "I was a bit of a sceptic when it came to hypnosis but was very surprised by my response to the process, especially as we were meeting via zoom during lock-down. June is very friendly and professional and goes out of her way to make you feel comfortable and safe. I have struggled with my weight all my life, but now feel that I have regained control, losing 4 kg during our zoom sessions. June gives you tools and resources that you can continue to use after completing the sessions, which was super helpful. A surprising extra benefit of the hypnosis is the improved sleep I now have!"


    Weight control

    "My name is Douglas, I am 14 years old, I had a really bad case of needle phobia. After seeing June at her house I was able to talk about my fear. The next day I was able to have my surgery and face my fear. The breathing 7/11 she thought me really helped me, I can also use this when I need to in the future. I recommend June. Thank you June ."


    Phobia sufferer

    "Hypnotherapy with June was an amazing journey. She spent Significant effort getting to understand my specific situation and catered the sessions to suit my individual needs. I’m so grateful for June, she helped access my subconscious and got me through some major mental blocks. I feel like me again and I’ll be forever thankful!"


    Over coming mental blocks

    "I had the pleasure to work with June as a part of a multidisciplinary medical team focusing on chronic and complex pain. She is genuine, dedicated and has a profoundly holistic approach to health and wellbeing. June is able to harness aspects of healing that conventional medicine seems to fall short on. In my experience working with June, there were many occasions where the benefits of clinical hypnotherapy were more valuable than anything that came from drug therapy – coming from a pharmacist, I think this speaks volumes about her work."

    Patrick Cutrupi


    "I have worked with June for many years, and her passion has always been infectious. Since she brought hypnotherapy to the patient bedside, we have had another powerful string to our bow. June has helped all manner of folk, and has an amazing ability to facilitate distressed and injured people get centered, grounded, and back in control. I am really glad she is sharing her care and skills with a wider clientele."

    Rob Burrell


    "June helped me by taking me on a journey where I worked out what the learnings were from the things that had caused me to be sad and angry in the past. June’s sessions were more gentle than the things I had done before that, and yet they were so powerful. My sessions with June helped me gain a new calmness and confidence that I had been searching for, and those feelings have stayed with me. I recommend June to anyone who wants to learn from their past and move forward in their life."

    Trish Blyth

    Moving forward with life

    "June is a very intuitive practitioner and she helped me with long-held unhelpful beliefs that were holding me back and tainting the way I saw the world. I can honestly say that after the first session, this changed for me. June’s ability to flex the sessions to match my changing needs meant that every interaction with her was extremely worthwhile one for me. June is intrinsically motivated to help her clients, so will be committed to finding the most beneficial path with you."


    Finding the most beneficial path

    "I was slightly apprehensive about hypnotherapy at first but June was so calming and reassuring and the process was easier than I imagined it would be. I started noticing results in the first few weeks and am excited to continue working towards my goals. I highly recommend June and clinical hypnotherapy."


    Easier than I imagined

    "I considered hypnotherapy as a way of breaking an unwanted habit (cheek biting). During the initial sessions, June guided me through exploring the relevant experiences I’d had throughout my life that led to feelings of anxiety, hurt, anger, shame and self-criticism (emotions I didn’t consciously think about before). 

    June’s caring and warm approach gave me a safe space to develop self-compassion and practise alternative ways of framing experiences and emotions, and ways of responding to situations. 

    After two sessions I noticed a positive change in thinking. As the sessions progressed, positive thoughts became positive emotions and behaviours (without conscious effort). 

    Hypnotherapy far exceeded my expectations. Not only did the unwanted habit of cheek biting go (after thirty years of trying to stop) the unhelpful emotions I’d been carrying also went. Accessing my subconscious under June’s expert guidance unburdened my mind allowing me to live life to the full. 

    Words can’t express the gratitude I have for June for nurturing my self-compassion and improving my relationship with myself (and others) and quality of life overall."


    Breaking an unwanted habit

    June has led me through the most gentle and impactful therapy that I have experienced. The work we have done has changed my unhelpful thought patterns and I now find that my baseline is positive brave optimism. 

    I have recommended June to friends and family and am so pleased that June is now able to offer therapy sessions on a full-time basis because it means she can now help more people feel awesome!

    Thank you, June. These sessions have been life-changing.   


    Changed unhelpful thought patterns

    I am an experienced psychotherapist and would not refer a client to someone unless I was confident in their professionalism and skill set. June is someone I am happy to refer people to.


    Psychotherapist recommendation
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