Instilling these states into the mind of my clients with the help of hypnosis is central to my practice.
Lack of conflict and freedom. An inner tranquillity that does not depend upon the uncertainties of daily life for its existence.
RESILIENCE (the acorn):
The beginning of the mighty oak tree that can stand strong and rise tall against the tough storms and hurricanes that come its way.
STRENGTH (Triquetra):
The triangle is one of the strongest shapes in construction. A Celtic symbol that favours everything comes in threes. Representing in this case past, present and future.
Come and have a complimentary half hour appointment to discuss how hypnotherapy can help you.

Hypnosis: Mainstream not Alternative
Article y June Callan, The Dissector Vol. 48, No. 2, September 2020.
The history and use of hypnosis in the management of acute and chronic pain are explored, along with a review of current research. My experience of using hypnosis in the acute and chronic pain service at Counties Manukau DHB is briefly outlined.

Top 10 Clinics for the Best Hypnotherapy in Auckland
Article by Isla Thompson for Top Reviews website.
June Callan Clinical Hypnotherapy has been listed as one of the the top clinics for the best hypnotherapy in Auckland.

How hypnotherapy helped Brenda with complex regional pain syndrome
June Callan interviews client Brenda about how hypnotherapy helped her with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and what the experience was like.
RNZ Expert Feature: Hypnotherapy
June joined Jesse Mulligan to answer questions about hypnotherapy and explain how it works.

How Hypnotherapy can help Chronic Pain
Interview of HypnoFit® Certified Therapist, June Callan about how Hypnotherapy can help Chronic Pain.